Apr 28, 2013

a documentary

The other night, my friend Linda took me to the movies and we went to see 'Searching for Sugarman'. I didn't know much about it (it actually won an academy award for best documentary this year) and was quite astonished by this movie about two south african guys on the quest to discover the story of their hero, the singer Rodriguez. And it truly is an amazing story. It's full of life's curiosities and wonders and left me with the happiest feeling.
Go and watch it if you get the chance to and find out about their discovery!
Here's Rodriguez's song, Sugarman.

Apr 27, 2013

saturday song

yann tiersen, la valse d'amelie.

bisous de paris!

Apr 26, 2013


one day while i was in new york we decided to go to paris together. after one week of workshop for him i'd join him for the weekend. after we booked the flights i stumbled upon this sign somewhere in the streets of new york, already anticipating the next trip. oh what a treat! i'm leaving tomorrow and i can't wait.
even if the weather forecast predicts three days of rain, i don't care, we'll hang out with rodin or the other masters in the louvre, eat croissants and have wine and cheese, take a rainy walk by the seine and ...
à bietntôt mes amis!

Apr 21, 2013

coney island

i've been busy with work and a birthday celebration this week, and skipping my promised new york posts. so today i want to share my coney island pictures. one sunny day, we did make it out there!
i was anticipating this trip to be an emotional one. and it was! it was a slow weekday, the vendors just opening from the winter break.
i was smitten with soft, colorful, warm and happy childhood memories, my dad taking us out there for cotton candy, running down the wooden walkway stirring up the seagulls, not being able to go on some of the rides for being too small, building sand castles and having wet feet. jenni and i even went for a ride on the (baby) flying swing.

sunday song

little dragon, ritual union.

spring is here - let's dance!
berlin is blessed with a bright and sunny sunday - i hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

Apr 15, 2013

new york, my love

i finally found the time to go through the pictures i took during my trip to new york. needless to say, that the model was an easy one to take pictures of, since new york welcomed us with sunshine and blue skies. oh, good times. what a wonderful trip.
next to the conference we visited the first two days, we spent most of the time eating delicious food and wandering brooklyn and manhattan.

we stayed in the quincy house in bed-stuy. so on our way to the G-line each morning we stopped by the wonderful scratch-bread for coffee and a scone or popover or oatmeal chunky or flatbread sandwich.
on sunday though we spend the morning at tiny-cup, where i had the best bagel of my life, well my entire stay at least. seriously, if the guy you can see in the picture would have been a well enough singer or um ... not there, egg-avocado-tomato bagel plus a good black coffee, heaven.

i just realized this is the new york breakfast post - and in case it isn't obvious, i love breakfast - so one last place we discovered in dumbo, west elm's market. i resisted buying soap, candles and various kitchen goods and decided to just have coffee (and a bagel from the nearby bagel shop) and browse through their lovely cook books. Next to selling very nice things, they also are very nice people working there, letting us hang out with their coffee but other place's bagels (germans, we should follow this example).

Apr 14, 2013

sunday song

nouvelle vague, eisbär.

Apr 6, 2013

saturday song

jay-z ft. santogold, brooklyn we go hard.

i'm back from new york - it was such a blast!
i've got tons of pictures and stories to share.